Transformer Soil Corrector


Biodegradable water use optimizer.

Improved water infiltration that leads to more effective water use, increased availability of nutrients and uptake
Reduces hydrophobicity and improves water retention through better water distribution in sandy soils
Improves water infiltration in heavy soils
Better lateral water distribution in soil and drainage that are prone to waterlogging
More uniform soil moisture and less fluctuation between irrigation cycles when using drip irrigation
Transformer Soil Corrector

TRANSFORMER is a highly effective biodegradable water optimizer that improves hydraulic properties such as infiltration, distribution and drainage, as well as hydraulic conductivity, water retention and hydrophobicity, thanks to these characteristics it acts as a soil conditioner and humectant, improving crop performance. *

* Rovensa Next is a global business unit that delivers solutions for agriculture around the globe. The information shared here may vary depending on the geography. To confirm the product is available in your country or in case of any questions or for additional information, please contact us using the provided form. Thank you.

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Hoe we u helpen:

Door middel van biosolutions die zijn ontwikkeld om te voldoen aan de behoeften van gewassen, van zaad tot schap.

Per product

Bionutritie voor de landbouw

Biocontrole in de landbouw

Landbouwhulpstoffen en correctoren

Op telerbehoeften

Verbeter bodem-, water- en producttoepassingen

Verbeterde Gewaskwaliteit

Geïntegreerd beheer van ziekten

Geïntegreerde gewasbescherming

Abiotische stress minimaliseren

Stimulatie van de natuurlijke cyclus van planten

Duurzame gewasvoeding